Monthly Archive:: March 2017

Fixing asynchronous COM bug at application startup

My article “Asynchronous COM for Windows Vista and Win7 — memory overwrite bug” is describing an error that appeared in these operation systems. Reliable work of the asynchronous COM was extremely important for the software that was under development (and for sale as well by this time). Multiple appeals to Microsoft with a request to fix

Functions call interception via replacement of header bytes by JMP or CALL instructions

I was describing a method of functions call interception by means of an import table in one of my previous articles. This method is more universal, since it gives an opportunity to intercept almost any calls (please see the limitations list below). However, this one is more complicated, since header modification code needs disassembling skills

String transfer from a function in GO to a code in C without memory allocation (Part 2)

We were discussing a possibility of string transfer without memory allocation in the previous article. Attempts to use this method in the real projects revealed that there are cases when this method is not applicable. Everything is working just fine if a string object is constructed from a static string constant or by means of

String transfer from a function in GO to a code on C without memory allocation (Part 1)

CGO documentation illuminates string transfer issue rather poorly. They only mention that C.CString() function should be used in order to convert a string object into a pointer to a buffer with a zero-terminated string – char*, which is coherent for the C code. This is great; however, a memory block is being allocated during this procedure