Monthly Archive:: February 2017
24 Feb 2017
Asynchronous COM for Windows Vista and Win7 – memory overwrite bug

COM technology (Component Object Model) has been developing for almost twenty years and work of the vast majority of system components is still based on it. I think that this will continue in the nearest future. Asynchronous COM is an option of using this technology. Some applications of the early 2000s used it to build
21 Feb 2017
API DLL or COM object? Creating a COM object without registration

One of the major questions that an architector might face creating a multi-component project is how the components will interact. The mechanism of interaction could consist of COM interfaces usage and traditional import / export of functions and classes if we are talking about components that export a set of functions (in fact libraries). The way
17 Feb 2017
Self-modifying programs – applying patch

Many people might think that only creating viruses and trojans needs a self-modifying code in order to hinder detection by antivirus programs. However, this is not the case and the practice shows that it is the great and most powerful Microsoft that is forcing us to deal with this. One might ask – “Why?”. It is